Chris Neason

Chris' nomination was accompanied by no less than 5 supporting letters of endorsement - 2 from senior police/2 from Council staff and senior management and 1 from the local trucking Association. Through those letters was a reoccurring theme of Chris being well respected, having a huge knowledge base, and examples of sharing that knowledge across the sector and community for the benefit of all.

A glance through the District's Road Safety Action Plan demonstrates strong working relationships with police, District licensing, SADD, HPA, contractors, SafeKids, ACC and schools, and a vast number of community groups. This list evidences a true Safe System approach in Chris' work.

Chris has implemented many campaigns in the area of drink driving, intersections, rural driving and sharing the road (with pedestrians, cyclists and horses), speed past schools and school buses, child restraints, and the list goes on. Some of these campaigns have gone on to become nationally recognisable and have been included in best practice guidelines for other areas to share.

Chris has been a true pioneer in road safety delivery and has been around a while - but is one that is still very up to date with new and current research and trends - and puts that knowledge to work - one example being the pilot of the recent NZTA / ACC workshops for secondary school teachers to deliver road safety education across the curriculum.

As well as being incredibly innovative, Chris is extremely generous when it comes to sharing ideas, resources and experience. She has spent time on the SASTA executive, is a regular contributor to SASTA newsletters, and has presented at many conferences.

Chris' knowledge, inspiration and dedication to road safety has been widely felt by not only her local community but the wider road safety community in New Zealand.